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So naturally as humans, horses will learn at different speeds and some will be able to accomplish more and have the endurance to keep learning in a lesson and others will have had enough more quickly. Generally, 2 hours is usually an ideal amount of time per session when working with one horse. I do give the horses time to stand and process the information and the learning process that is occurring. While doing so, I will be sharing with the owner lots of information about what I am doing.

We will start out by learning how to have the horse respond or move away from pressure, and pressure comes in 4 phases (intention, skin, muscle, bone). The horse becomes more confident in how to yield to the pressure with repetition and consistency in how they are being asked. 


We will be doing the following ground work activities:


They will learn that the carrot stick is just a tool that is an extension of our arm and we use it to help communicate more effectively with them.  They will learn not to be afraid of it or the handler. 


They will learn how to back up and come forward on suggestion.


They will learn to yield their front and their hind end.


They will learn to circle, maintain gait and direction, how to speed up, how to disengage and stop.


They will learn how to go sideways or side-pass.


They will learn how to incorporate these moves into a driving game.


I first teach the horse how to do these maneuvers and understand them better, and then I will teach you how to ask for them and handle the rope, the stick, etc. THIS is the foundation for EVERYTHING that follows! This will take about 3-4 sessions, (if working with one horse), depending on the horse, and the student!  These maneuvers will greatly affect your work and understanding when under saddle. Our goal is to get the horse to do these maneuvers upon a suggestion.

Normally when I have one horse in a session, we will play the first 5 games (above), 2x and we will do some other fun things in the middle and at the end, depending on the amount of time remaining.

From here - we start incorporating the maneuvers in more fun and engaging activities.  I have many things that you can do to play and work with them.  If you are wanting to play at liberty, we will then go to round pen basics and help the team learn how to drive and get a draw, back to you, with your horse.   You can learn how to have a horse come to you to get on a mounting block, you can learn how to have your horse circle and come back to you, how to side-pass towards you, how to spin on a bridge, how to circle at liberty, agility, etc.  We could work on a few tricks, etc.

Again, depending on the student and the horse and how much practicing they are doing in between, it will allow for more or less to be accomplished in the first five sessions.  I don’t care if you come once a month or once a week.  You schedule the lesson at your convenience.


Schedule of Fees

One Horse/One Handler

$60 per hour (min. 2 hour session) for Horsemanship or round pen or an obstacle  lesson, here at my facility,  You may use one or more of my horses to do your lessons if you would like.  Just keep in mind they are already trained.  It won’t quite be the same as starting out with your own horse.

Two Horses/Handlers

If 2 of you come $ 45 per person, per hour.   This is pricing for coming to my facility.

Three Horses/Handlers

If 3 of  you want to come together it will be $40.00 per hour, per person for Horsemanship or Round Pen Session.  Or $45 per hour if Obstacles due to wear and tear.  This pricing is for coming to my facility.

I encourage participants to mentally commit to 5 lessons.  In order for the lessons to be effective we need patience and repetition.  If we can commit to 5, the horse and the handler will be set up to be more successful and be more likely to understand and remember what they have been taught.  We will go as far as we can during these five sessions - which is dependent on the horse and the handler.  Normally the first two lessons, I like to work hands on with the horse and teach the handler verbally, by the third lesson the horse has a really good understanding of the expectations and maneuvers, and that is when I start to teach the handler to be more effective.

Schedule of Fees


$20 per hour each (but only if you are coming with your friends.  I don’t let auditors come watch someone else’s lessons, since it isn’t fair, but they can watch their friend’s lesson if the friend is okay with that.)

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Sidepassing - Or Moving sideways- Made with Clipchamp (3)

Sidepassing - Or Moving sideways- Made with Clipchamp (3)

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Backing up and Coming to you

Backing up and Coming to you

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Sending & Going in Circles - Made with Clipchamp

Sending & Going in Circles - Made with Clipchamp

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Next Steps After Learning the Five Foundational Maneuver's

Next Steps After Learning the Five Foundational Maneuver's

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Training & Board (contact for availability)

 $1,400 for 4 weeks, plus you will need to bring your own hay and feed.  Training which will consist of 1 hour a day (no less) at least 5 days per week.  This will include Round pen work, basic horsemanship, obstacles and so much more depending on the advancement of the horse.  Training also includes a weekly lesson for 1.5 hours for the owner.  ($300 value)

Ready to get started? Learn more or book now!

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