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About Joy

I was born in a family of 5 and one income so I only dreamt about horses until I was nine. Before that I would tie an old family pony bridle to the wall and saddle on a dehumidifier and I would ride for hours. Or run with the dog and pretend she was my pony.  Then I got 10 lessons for my 9th birthday. I fell in love with all of the horses I rode, “Duke, Queenie, Nice and Easy,” etc. Then at age 12 I was able to start riding some ponies for a place that did Pony rides and I had the time of my life.  At 14 - I became their Pony Manager and was responsible for about 20 ponies and their care.  


At 15 I was able to get my own horse now that I could pay for the boarding on him. Sweet “Levi” a 3yo QH. I had the time of my life which was short lived.  He died a year later from Potomac Horse Fever.  I was heartbroken. My neighbor offered me a calf to show at the fairs with them. So then I went to volunteer -work on a Dairy Farm and learned to bale hay, feed and milk cows and bed them, etc.  I started showing cows.

The next winter I went and bought an 11 mo untouched QH Filly - “Funny Face”. She was a dream come true.  We grew up together. I gentled her which was extremely easy and didn’t phase her. She trusted me. I had her until she was 32. We had a great life together. She had 5 beautiful foals. We retained one. This is my husband’s horse still today. Funny and I had many great adventures together. Mostly a trail horse.  Later in life we introduced her to cows and Penning and Fun Days - Games. She had become my daughter’s horse. What a legacy to us!


I have worked keeping Accounting books, I worked in banking, I worked in sales - real estate, I worked for Waste Management and ran a $32 Million Dollar Operations and also Customer Service Dept., etc. I later became a teacher of Elementary Education.  I spent 13 years working with 5th graders. Then several years in Intervention.  

As my parents got older and I wanted to be there for them in their final stage, I took a leave of absence during Covid.  After they passed I started my business.  “A New Journey, LLC,” which my nickname is “The Joy of Horses."

How I got started...

About 10 years ago when I realized that if I was going to have a better partnership with my horse, I had to start learning how. Hershey had so much go and no woah and was scared of so many things.  When I first got her she was scared of barrels and poles and everything.  I was able to take a lesson from someone that had been to Parelli Natural Horsemanship.  He taught me the basic maneuvers that I teach in my first 5 package.  He also threw me in a round pen and removed the bridle and let us go.  


It was all I needed to fuel the fire that had started inside of me.  I was determined to learn how to work with my horse to figure out how to be a better rider and communicator so we could accomplish many of the dreams I had.  It was exhilarating for me.  I bought stacks of tapes and did my own at home study program.  I would watch and go out and apply.  I would re-watch and re-apply until I figured things out.  I did it so much that you just start learning how to figure things out to work with a horse to accomplish so many tasks.  


When I brought Annabelle home - I started documenting my work with her. I have a lot on Facebook (Joy Mackay Gallupe) and some on You Tube (Joy Gallupe).  More than I realized, people were following and watching us progress.  So, when I started my business, people started coming.  I have not had to do much for promotion.  

Ready to get started? Learn more or book now!

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