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The Joy of Horses Stacked Blue.png

Horses don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care  

- Pat Parelli


I'm Joy.

About 10 years ago when I realized that if I was going to have a better partnership with my horse, I had to start learning how.


My horse, Hershey, had so much go and no woah and was scared of so many things.  When I first got her she was scared of barrels and poles and everything. I was able to take a lesson from someone that had been to Parelli Natural Horsemanship.


He taught me the basic maneuvers that I teach in my first 5 package. Learning these techniques was the start of a whole new world and level of starting to understand how horses learn, and how I can better communicate with them to get the desired results.  


Don't put it off, you won't be sorry.  If you apply the skills I teach you and your horse, it will have such an impact on your journey!   I can't wait to work with you to strengthen your relationship with your horse and provide a great training foundation.

A New Journey, LLC | 2022
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19908 Brownsville Road, Knoxville, MD
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